Transparent Pricing for Your Peace of Mind

Pricing is based on the specifics of the case. A trial may cost between $20,000-$50,000 dollars if parties have representation. If a case is mediated, a mediator may charge $2,000-$5,000 per day. A day would equal an eight hour work day. Some mediators may charge for going over 8hrs, some may not. EMI typically will not if the overage is only a 30 minute or less over the 8hrs. That 8hr period doesn’t include a lunch hour. Clients will not be charged for an hour lunch break.
EMI’s day rate is $2,500.00 for 8hrs. Each mediator charges their specific rate based on their training, licenses and certifications. A client should be prepared to pay a couple thousand dollars for mediation services. Small claims cases may be settled within a couple hours which only cost a few hundred dollars if the mediator only charges $150-300 dollars per hour. This all depends on the mediator and the complexity of the case.